Register account

First name*
Last name*
Repeat password*
Street, number
Additional address
Postal code

Delivery address

First name
Last name
Street, number
Additional address
Postal code

Please note that:

  • consent to the processing of your basic personal data is required for the creation of a Customer Account of the store
  • in order to view the offer of our shop, it is not necessary to have a Customer Account
  • in order to complete the order you must provide us with the basic data and data required to deliver the ordered products to you.

What personal data do we process in connection with opening a Customer Account and fulfilling an order?

Data provided in the Customer Account registration form:
  • Name and surname of the Customer (mandatory)
  • E-mail (mandatory)
Other data provided in the process of order fulfillment (optional, but required for order fulfillment):
  • Address details
  • address for dispatch
  • phone
Providing the above personal data, specified as required, is voluntary, however, failure to provide such personal data makes it impossible to create a Customer Account. Failure to provide additional data, defined as optional, prevents the use of additional options for which such data are needed (e.g. failure to provide optional data in the form of an address for dispatch and a telephone number makes it impossible to complete the order).

An order can be placed without creating a Customer Account, but there is a requirement to provide one-time information required to complete the order.

Detailed information on the rules applicable to the Customer Account and how to set up and use the Customer Account in our online shop is provided in our Terms and Conditions.

Information regarding the processing of personal data by Jack Rost Jacek Rostkowski for these purposes is contained in the Privacy Policy.